Mystical influence of time - Part 4

TIME ensured that fascinating Civilizations like the Indus were put to DUST!

The two best-known excavated cities of this culture are Harappa and Mohenjo-daro (located in modern-day Pakistan), both of which are thought to have once had populations of between 40,000-50,000 people, which is stunning when one realizes that most ancient cities had on average 10,000 people living in them.
The total population of the civilization is thought to have been upward of 5 million, and its territory stretched over 900 miles (1,500 km) along the banks of the Indus River and then in all directions outward.
Indus Valley Civilization sites have been found near the border of Nepal, in Afghanistan, on the coasts of India, and around Delhi, to name only a few locations.

Time will ensure everything we have built is put to DUST. The sooner we come out of the illusion of searching permanency in the temporary world, the better. Otherwise time will ensure that it breaks our bubble one day.